Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Some Like It Hot - 622 Words

Some Like It Hot is an American screwball comedy film directed by Billy Wilder and featuring Marilyn Monroe as Sugar, Tony Curtis as Joe, and Jack Lemon as Jerry. Joe and Jerry are struggling musicians who accidentally witness a mob hit and become targets. To hide from the mob, they flee the state as members of a traveling women’s band, where further complications set in. They quickly become besotted with the lead singer, Sugar, who in unable to recognize that her band mates are really men masquerading as women. Like most popular gender-bending films, Some Like It Hot calls us to critique constructions of sexuality and gender both within the context of historicized moment of the films production and from the perspective of later†¦show more content†¦The prohibition setting allows transgression to be seen as accepted and normal for ordinary people. The criminalization of alcohols serves to demonstrate how personal choice can be incorporated under institutionalized morality. Furthermore, the setting creates a distance between reality and the subject of the film for the more conservative viewer, which is one of the justifications as to why the film was done in black and white. The film is a crafty combination of many components including a spoof of period gangster films, romance in screwball comedies, and gender reversal and cross-dressing. Evidently, one of the major themes in the film is disguise and masquerade. In its time, Some Like It Hot was the highest-grossing comedy, one of the most successful films in 1959, and undoubtedly Wilder’s funniest comedy. The film was based on a German movie, Fanfares of Love, directed by Kurt Hoffmann with similar plot elements borrowed by Wilder. The events in the movie were inspired by the infamous St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in Chicago. At the time of its release, the United States was at the end of the repressive 1950’s and the studio system was weakened as a result of censorship restrictions. The film received much criticism for its risquà © subjects of double-entendre dialogue and gender bending theme. Wilder purposely challenged the system with Some Like It Hot, filling it with sexual inn uendos and stereotypes and aShow MoreRelatedThe Contradictory Spectatorial Address of Some Like It Hot1700 Words   |  7 PagesThe Contradictory Spectatorial Address of Some Like It Hot A film of the fifties, Some Like It Hot (Billy Wilder, USA, 1959) provides insight into the state of the film industry, recently wracked by legislation and censorship, the implementation of pre-existing technology in part to combat the new limitations, the importance of the star system, and the two-sided response to the social norms, both contradicting and reinforcing the status quo. 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